ENTRY – The “virus mutation”

Since early February, a whole series of alarming statements about SARS-CoV-2 and its alleged mutations have been circulating in the media.
Two of the most prominent examples are these:

The mutation from the UK and others will overrun us, the virus has been given a rocket boost.

This race has long been lost.

Probably just about everyone in Germany knows these quotes, which come from another so-called “corona expert” – one of the “voices of science.” How many experts are there? Nevertheless, the assertions of this “expert,” a virologist by profession, have not only been extensively disseminated via many media channels, but have also often been (justifiably) criticised.

We don’t want to discuss the media and media representatives here, but what scientists are expecting when they spread such wild horror forecasts is really a mystery to us. Whatever their intentions may be, such scaremongering is certainly not helpful! Especially when it has no factual basis whatsoever.

We are not implying that the virologist quoted above has bad intentions! We assume that they firmly believe in what they say and are convinced that they are doing the right thing. Therefore, we also disassociate ourselves from all the insults and accusations showered on them and other scientists who support the government’s measures or call for even harsher measures. However, we strongly criticise this virologist and many other scientists for their dubious and irresponsible behaviour in making such statements! Spreading fear and panic is never sensible! Even people who are only distantly involved in the field of medicine should know this better than anyone else.

What kind of mutations of SARS-CoV-2 are alleged to exist?

Allegations that the notorious SARS-CoV-2 has been mutating further have been circulating in the media since December 2020.
The most well-known alleged variants that are said to have emerged from SARS-CoV-2 and with which fear is once again being unrestrainedly stoked in the population are:

“CLUSTER 5” from Denmark
B.1.351, 501Y.V2 from South Africa
B.1.1.28 P.1, 501Y.V.3 from Brazil
and, of course, B.1.1.7, 501Y.V1 from the United Kingdom, which served as justification for even harsher, more devastating measures and probably helped create the senseless “#ZeroCovid” campaign.

These mutations, according to the “experts,” will supposedly lead to an easier transmissibility of COVID-19. Due to the mutation of the so-called spike proteins, the alleged new coronaviruses are said to be able to dock onto cells more easily and infiltrate them. The best known examples of these alleged spike protein mutations are D614G and N501Y.

How did the idea of viral mutation come about?

In contrast to what is generally expected in science, the existence of viruses is not factually proven in virology. Instead, their existence is considered to be proven solely on the basis of interpreted appearances and conceptual models. Pathogenic viruses are thus nothing more than mere consensus, i.e. an opinion that has been agreed upon in science.
You can learn more about virus evidence in the main program of ImmanuelProject.
The “SARS-CoV-2” virus, in turn, is itself believed to be a mutation of ancient coronavirus strains. This assumption arose from the so-called “sequence alignment” which is considered one of the strongest scientific proofs for the existence of SARS-CoV-2. Sequence alignment is a bioinformatics technique in which fragments of nucleic acid (DNA) are assembled with a computer into a hypothetical strand of genetic material. In order to carry out the alignment, roughly comparable to a jigsaw puzzle, templates in the form of old strands of genetic material are required. In the same way as the picture on the box of a puzzle serves as a template. In the case of SARS-CoV-2, two old corona models were used for this purpose.
Because during the alignment process, large parts of the constructed genome strand are freely invented, and other parts are “tweaked” by the associated computer programs to produce a reasonably credible result, the finished product never looks 100% like the template. It’s similar to forcibly putting together puzzle pieces that don’t even belong to the original to create a similar image.

=> this (inevitable) deviation to the template is in the end the basis of the entire “mutation” named SARS-CoV-2!

How does one come to the idea that SARS-CoV-2 is supposed to have mutated further?

The genome of SARS-CoV-2 is fictitious, but some of the basis for it is from strands of nucleic acid which are found in the metabolism of any organism (which is part of the reason why any human, animal or plant can potentially test”positive” for Corona). To use the example of the jigsaw puzzle again: you have a few real puzzle pieces, but they have nothing to do with the template, and you simply make up all the remaining parts by cutting out suitable pieces of cardboard and painting them according to the template.
It has been known for more than twenty years that nucleic acid is constantly changing. Therefore, nucleic acid cannot possibly contain our inheritance! Ideas such as epigenetics (the theory of flexible heredity) are only desperate attempts to somehow justify and keep alive the old model of a material heredity in the form of genes.
Nowadays, some scientists are considering that DNA rather serves to generate and release energy in the body, which could explain the constant changes in DNA. However, the majority of scientists still assume the outdated idea of genes (without ever questioning and testing them) and believe that the blueprint of a living being is stored in DNA. Therefore, they interpret the fact that changes to DNA take place as an indication of “mutation” of genes.
Therefore, when examining DNA fragments obtained from humans or animals, mistakenly assumed to be the basis of the hypothetical genetic strand of SARS-CoV-2, finding that the DNA has changed, the conclusion is drawn that SARS-CoV-2 has mutated.

➡️ the idea of mutations of SARS-CoV-2 is based only on an interpretation of the fact that all DNA is constantly changing. Or more generally formulated, the idea of the virus mutation arises only because one still works with completely outdated, long since disproved scientific hypotheses.
With this obsolete approach, new mutations of SARS-CoV-2 can be found/invented for all eternity. This can quickly become a catastrophic self-perpetuating vicious circle, and it appears that many scientists have already fallen into this.

You can find more on the topic of “viral mutation” in our video O.R.I., No. 02: “Virus mutation – the misinterpretation of a misinterpretation.” In the main programme of Project Immanuel, this topic and all related matters will be dealt with in detail and substantiated with all necessary references.

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